Below are our articles on the subject of Outside. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Garden Shed Security
Sheds are popular targets for thieves due to their rich pickings and low-level resistance. Those averse to an intruder rooting around their shed should therefore think…...

How to Improve Security in Your Garden
The garden has a role to play in deterring burglars but instead of being turned into a prison camp, nature itself can provide a more subtle and attractive security....

Outside Lighting for Home Security
Outside lighting provides an excellent reassurance that nothing untoward is going on in the shadows surrounding your property, but only if it is not disturbing…...

Protecting Your Home: Gates and Fences
The art to protecting a property with gates and fences is in making the occupants feel secure and not imprisoned....

Securing Your Garage
Garages attract burglars not only with their rich bounty of valuables, from cars to bikes to sporting equipment, but because security is often found to be sorely lacking....

The Problem of Bin Raiding
Residents have long been aware of the threat a thief poses to their valuables, but a new type of criminal is more interested in the contents of their rubbish bin....